A Bit About Myself

Kathy Hollingshead, Realtor

I've been a licensed agent in both Idaho and Washingtion since 2005. 

I earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from Cal Poly at San Luis Obisop, Ca in 1974.  Started work in retail, moved to banking in the loan servicing area. Moved to Idaho in 1986, raised three children, became involved in volunteer work and ended up being the president of Webster PTA, LIFE, Lewiston's school foundation and the Lewiston Service League. In the mid-90's, started a sewing business, then added "home-based" clothing sales.  In early 2000's went back to banking, then some property management.  State of Washington requires a real estate license. I was drawn to the business so earned an Idaho license and found a broker and office to hang my license.

My husband and I have been investing in real estate since we were married in 1976.  Wh have owned homes and rental property during our time in California and now here in Idaho.

For the most part, I enjoy putting the many pieces of the real estate puzzle together in order to sell that special piece of property for my client.